SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: Time for action

January 2024 SAIMC

Johan Maartens.

I trust everybody had a wonderful break, renewed old friendships and created new memories. Making memories is like gathering firewood so that we can sit around the fire, looking back on our life, with the bad times forgotten and the good times like the sparks of a bushveld fire lighting up our thoughts. May this new year be a blessed one, a year in which we will experience the goodness of God in a country that desperately needs His assistance, blessing and favour.

Now, back to the SAIMC. Our Vision for 2026 identified several projects for the near future. Here is one that has already kicked off.

Making our members successful

Members often request a letter of support or recommendation for a new job that lists their critical skills and supplies a referee. It makes no sense to provide any person with a letter just stating that they have been a member of the SAIMC. We have now created a template that will enable the SAIMC to provide you with a letter that will positively influence the reader. When you go to the website, under Member Services you will find a template that will guide you in making it possible for us to give you a solid letter of recommendation.

Some of the questions and the impact of your answer on the letter are listed below. If a member cannot supply information for a question, we will remove that part from the eventual letter of good standing.

Question: Did you present, physically or online, a paper on a specialised field of expertise, and what was the title of the presentation?

If a person answers this question, it will appear in the letter as follows: shared his/her extensive knowledge on … with others during the … SAIMC event. The event’s purpose was to share knowledge in the highly specialised field of … and to draw on the experiences of other practitioners.

Question: Did you contribute to the knowledge sharing platform on the SAIMC website?

If a person answers this question, it will appear in the letter as follows: participates in the knowledge-sharing platform of the SAIMC, where knowledge and experience are shared to benefit the industry < member to specify>.

Question: The SAIMC is involved in government, the Engineering Council of South Africa, education institutions, industry and the public via various advisory councils and branch activities. What role did you play in any of the SAIMC’s activities?

If a person answers this question, it will appear in the letter as follows: The mission of the Society for Automation, Mechatronics and Computer Engineering (SAIMC) is to inspire automation, while the vision of the SAIMC is to empower its members and ensure their success. The primary goal of the SAIMC is to impact South Africa positively at an international level, thereby enhancing its competitiveness in the global market. This goal is achieved through the SAIMC’s involvement in government, education and industry. To accomplish this objective, the SAIMC refers to various advisory councils, including the End User Advisory Council, the Supplier Advisory Council, the Education and Training Advisory Council, the Manufacturing Operations Management Council, and also the branches of the SAIMC. is a valued member of the SAIMC, contributing to the organisation’s goals in the following ways: .

Question: Did you contribute to any of the following SAIMC goals, and if so, how?

• SAIMC brand visibility and marketing.

• SAIMC public relations and communication.

• Developing best practices within the SAIMC.

• Aligning industry, education, suppliers and government within the SAIMC.

If a person answers this question, it will appear in the LOGS as follows: played a major role in assisting the SAIMC to achieve its strategic goals by < member to specify>.

The bottom line

Our members have been asking for value-added services from the SAIMC. Here is your opportunity to get a value-added service that could change your life. But if you do not do your part within the SAIMC to grow the industry and its members, the letter of recommendation you will receive will be very short.

Yours in automation

Johan Maartens


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Further reading:

SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: The SAIMC and Computer Engineering
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SAIMC: Johannesburg branch
At the SAIMC Johannesburg meeting held in June, DesSoft gave a presentation on the importance of having smart tools that facilitate information sharing between process, electrical and instrumentation departments.

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SAIMC: Johannesburg branch
At the May meeting of the SAIMC Johannesburg branch there were two presentations, one by Manqoba Gumede who has written a book on industrial instrumentation and process control, and the other by Johan Maartens, the CEO of SAIMC, on registering with ECSA.

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May is a beautiful time of the year in Durban, but 10 May, when the Durban golf day was held at the Kloof Country Club, surpassed even the most beautiful days of the past, with hot and sunny conditions.

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