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Fast and economical effluent treatment control
July 2017, Microsep , Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

To satisfy environmental regulations, industrial wastewater streams need extensive treatment. Thanks to accurate inline analysis, high effluent water cleanliness with minimal chemical consumption and ...
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Corrosion control in power plants
April 2017, Microsep , Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

Chloride and sulphate are the most corrosive ions in the water/steam cycle in a power plant. Through pitting, stress corrosion cracking and other corrosion mechanisms, chlorides and sulphates can damage ...
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Safeguard boiler water and steam purity
March 2017, Microsep , Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

Mettler Toledo Thornton offers an advanced sodium analyser for pure water treatment, power steam and power condensate monitoring. The 2300NA provides assurance of water purity to minimise corrosion and ...
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Mettler Toledo’s weighing control for chemical processing
December 2016, Microsep , Mass Measurement

Profinet interface added to Mettler Toledo’s popular weighing control system.
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In-situ gas analyser with minimum maintenance
November 2016, Microsep , Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

Tuneable diode laser (TDL) spectroscopy is rapidly becoming the gas analysis technology of choice in industrial processes. But sometimes users find that conditions at the measurement location can limit ...
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Metal detector with higher sensitivity and lower false rejects
August 2016, Microsep , Maintenance, Test & Measurement, Calibration

In the food industry many of the products being inspected for contamination exhibit a phenomenon known as ‘product effect’. This is where the type of product being inspected can itself hinder the inspection ...
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Pure water optical DO sensor
July 2016, Microsep , Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

Fast response and reduced maintenance for dissolved oxygen measurement.
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Mettler Toledo’s IND780 for weighing control chemical processing
May 2016, Microsep , Mass Measurement

Profinet interface added to Mettler Toledo’s popular weighing control system.
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Reliably reduce ­corrosion and deposition in power plants
March 2016, Microsep , Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

Long-term efficient power generation requires careful surveillance to guard against corrosive and depositing conditions, and to ensure conformance with industry guidelines. Mettler Toledo Thornton offers ...
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Power cycle chemistry monitoring
November 2015, Microsep , Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

Degassed cation conductivity system for detection of corrosive contaminants in power plants.
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Combined checkweigher and ­metal detector
October 2015, Microsep , Mass Measurement

Mettler-Toledo Garvens has launched the new XC CC CombiChecker, a checkweighing and metal detection combination system for food and beverage manufacturers to speed up throughput and reduce footprint on ...
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Conductivity sensors reduce washing costs
October 2015, Microsep , Sensors & Transducers

Mettler Toledo’s Ingold InPro 7250 inductive conductivity sensor helps conserve water during the paper making process.
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