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more information about SAIMC

SAIMC: Johannesburg branch
April 2024, SAIMC

The local Johannesburg Branch of the SAIMC hosted a technology evening at the Bryanston Sports Club on 13 March 2024. It was sponsored by Phoenix Contact and the technical presentation covered the full gambit of industrial wireless technology in the automation field.
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SAIMC: Durban Branch
April 2024, SAIMC

The SAIMC Durban technology meeting in March drew a record attendance, with an old friend of the SAIMC, Gary Friend presenting on the very topical subject of ‘Risks, rewards, advantages and disadvantages of new technologies and the impact of legislation’.
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SAIMC: Secunda Branch
April 2024, SAIMC

The SAIMC Secunda branch held its monthly Technology Evening on 6 March 2024 at the Proconics, Secunda office. Sagadevan Kanniappen from WIKA presented on Thermowell stress calculations as per ASME PTC 19.3.
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SAIMC: From the office of the CEO
March 2024, SAIMC

The manufacturing industry is facing some challenges due to automation and outsourcing, but there are still opportunities in advanced manufacturing, such as 3D printing and robotics. It’s essential to stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in the industry to remain competitive.
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SAIMC:Johannesburg branch
March 2024, SAIMC

The annual general meeting of the SAIMC Johannesburg branch was held on 7 February 2024 at the Northcliff Country Club.
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SAIMC: Durban branch
March 2024, SAIMC

The Durban branch of the SAIMC held its annual general meeting at the Premier Splendid Inn in Pinetown on 24 January 2024
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SAIMC: Secunda Branch
March 2024, SAIMC

The SAIMC Secunda branch held its annual general meeting on 17 January.
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SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: Time for action
January 2024, SAIMC

SAIMC’s vision for 2026 identified several projects for the near future. Members often request a letter of support or recommendation for a new job. SAIMC has created a template that will enable it to provide you with a letter that will positively influence the reader.
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SAIMC: Secunda branch
January 2024, SAIMC

The SAIMC Secunda branch recently hosted an ECSA workshop. It was facilitated by Johan Maartens, CEO of SAIMC. The purpose of the workshop was to guide candidates on the latest ECSA registration requirements for technicians, technologists and engineers.
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SAIMC: Durban branch
November 2023, SAIMC

The Durban branch October technology meeting was well attended, and the audience was keen to hear about navigating the digital value change and bridging the gap from sensors to the boardroom.
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SAIMC: Secunda branch
November 2023, SAIMC

The SAIMC Secunda branch held its monthly technology evening on 4 October at the Proconics office in Secunda. Bruce Bonte from Yokogawa presented on differential pressure and blocked impulse lines.
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SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: Changes at SAIMC
November 2023, SAIMC

During its 2026 strategy session, SAIMC discussed the exciting changes and challenges ahead, and plotted the way forward.
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