Schneider Electric South Africa

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Bringing brownfield plants back to life
February 2024, IT in Manufacturing

Today’s brownfield plants are typically characterised by outdated equipment and processes, and face challenges ranging from inefficient operations to safety hazards. However, all is not lost, as these plants stand to gain a lot from digitalisation and automation.
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Power supply with scalability optimised
February 2024, Electrical Power & Protection

Schneider Electric has introduced the Easy UPS 3-Phase Modular to the South African marketplace. This robust uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is designed to protect critical loads while offering third-party verified Live Swap functionality.
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Optimising pulp and paper industry water management
I&C July 2024, PLCs, DCSs & Controllers

The manufacturing of pulp and paper is a complex process that involves several stages to convert wood into the final paper product. The industry has strict guidelines for water discharge into effluent systems. To meet the requirements, pulp and paper mills are increasingly focusing on the reuse of water.
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This looks like a job for industrial AI
I&C July 2024, IT in Manufacturing

Following a recent annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, industrial artificial intelligence has joined the ranks of the world’s superheroes.
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Schneider Electric named the world’s most sustainable company
I&C July 2024, News

Schneider Electric has topped the list of the World’s Most Sustainable Companies for 2024 by Time magazine and Statista.
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Power and control platform for complex applications
I&C July 2024, Operator Interfaces, Switches & Relays

Schneider Electric has unveiled the latest device in its PowerLogic range of products, the PowerLogic P7 digital power and control platform. This was designed to offer the best performance in complex and high-demand applications, and is based on a visualisation-ready, next-generation platform powered by a single configuration tool, the PowerLogic engineering suite.
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Schneider Electric celebrates Youth Day
I&C July 2024, News

Schneider Electric recently celebrated South Africa’s Youth Day with several exciting and comprehensive initiatives that have seen the company make a tangible difference to the skills development and growth of the country’s youth.
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AI improves energy supply reliability
I&C July 2024, Electrical Power & Protection

Many grids across the globe have a persistent problem in common, ageing infrastructure. This makes a good case for the modernisation of grid infrastructure. Fortunately, there are some almost-immediate steps that can provide a quick win without having to undertake forklift-scale projects.
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African data centres: if you build it, they will come
I&C July 2024, IT in Manufacturing

Africa’s data centre market is growing at an unprecedented rate, driven by a soaring demand for digital services, artificial intelligence, crypto currencies and cloud computing. This is good news indeed, as Africa’s burgeoning digital landscape also presents significant opportunities for investors, technology companies and local businesses.
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Extending the lifespan of oil transformers
I&C July 2024, Electrical Power & Protection

Transformers are vital components in the fields of electrical engineering and power distribution, as they play a key role in stepping up or down voltage levels, which ensures the efficient transmission of electricity.
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Schneider Electric and AVEVA partner for EV battery production
I&C July 2024, News

Schneider Electric and AVEVA have announced a partnership with IN-CORE Systèmes to drive efficiency in electric vehicle (EV) battery production.
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The magnificent seven of industrial software development
June 2024, IT in Manufacturing

There’s fast paced, and there’s supersonic, and the latter certainly applies to the evolution of software or, more specifically, industrial software. The last year has seen the industrial software step to the fore to take over the mundane, repetitive and sometime dangerous, allowing us to focus once again on what makes us uniquely human.
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