System integrators (SIs) combine expertise on emergent technologies with real world experience. When working with SIs, it is inevitable that at some point someone will say, “We are not a typical SI.” And in many ways, it’s true. SIs come in all shapes and sizes.
Machine builders and automation equipment suppliers often offer integration services. IT consultants can be a kind of SI. Engineering, construction and procurement (EPC) providers integrate the infrastructure and operations spaces. Even large B2B electronics distributors are introducing high-margin service offerings for things like lighting and motors and drives.
SIs focused on process control or factory automation can offer proprietary hardware devices or software apps that support the connectivity central to today’s operational endeavours. System integrators of all these kinds were in the mix at a recent Control System Integrators Association (CSIA) Executive Conference.
Seize the opportunity
Labour shortages can create demand for automation solutions. By means of system integrators, the resources for applying automation solutions are made more widely available. Positioning technology know-how where it can have most impact, system integrators work with industrial enterprises to design, test, connect, implement and upgrade automated systems to optimise productivity, ensure reliability, save energy and enhance safety.
By combining sophisticated emergent technology updates with practical, hands-on experience, system integrators can help manufacturers achieve significant productivity improvements, powered by the convergence of operations and information technologies. Here are some examples arising from the conference.
Based in the USA, global systems integrator, Gray Solutions is focused on the packaged goods, food and beverage industries. CEO and founder, Walker Mattox says that the food and beverage industries seem to be more open to automation solutions than in the past, one reason being that plants being built having larger footprints that can encompass up to 10 000 square metres, ten times what may be considered a more typical scale. This enhanced scale of operations makes automation more viable.
Pennsylvania-based Red Lion Controls said it has been engaged with industrial data for more than 50 years. “Red Lion’s FlexEdge intelligent edge automation platform is built for SIs,“ said product manager, Courtney Peel “FlexEdge is a scalable solution to integrate complex multi-vendor environments into digital transformation strategies and a futureproof solution for changing application needs.” The FlexEdge architecture allows organisations to leverage new communications technologies as they become available. Powered by Crimson 3.2, FlexEdge enables connectivity to virtually anything in your system with point-and-click simplicity. “New equipment working with the existing infrastructure means capital budgets are kept in check. If the application changes, simply upgrade the gateway to meet the application’s requirements,” Peel said.
Proud to be cloud
“SIs are closest to the customer,” said Tim Ogden, senior director Americas for GE Digital. “They understand the pain points and make the solutions work. We provide them with the tools. We’ are constantly adding features to our products and many of them are based on the SI’s recommendations.”
Ogden said that whether systems were cloud native or not was becoming an important distinction in industrial computing. “Cloud native computing is an approach in software development that uses cloud computing to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments. These technologies, which include container microservices, serverless functions, cloud native processors and immutable infrastructure, deployed via declarative code, are common elements of this architectural style.”
Anyone who thinks PID loops are passé in today’s world should talk to the folks at Control Station in Connecticut. The company in 2006 introduced non-steady state modelling, making it possible to model noisy, oscillating process conditions of industrial applications. Its portfolio of software-based solutions today solves difficult control-related challenges facing process manufacturers.
These techniques enable systems to be loosely coupled, making them resilient, manageable and observable. Combined with robust automation, they allow engineers to make high-impact changes frequently and predictably with minimal toil.
Content courtesy of Control System Integrators Association,
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