RJ Connect

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Enabling multiple applications on a unified TSN network
I&C July 2024, Fieldbus & Industrial Networking

A leading global manufacturer of industrial machinery wanted to aggregate multiple applications into its CNC machines. Due to the use of different proprietary networks, integrating the networks and maintaining the components required substantial effort.
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Modularity for future scalability
I&C July 2024, Fieldbus & Industrial Networking

When it comes to managed switches, industrial-grade reliability, multicast availability and security enhancements based on the IEC 62433 standards are crucial features. There are a number of vertical markets where these switches can be used.
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Predictive maintenance in artificial lift monitoring systems
June 2024, Industrial Wireless

With the trend in oil field digitisation gaining momentum, telematics can be tremendously useful in understanding equipment status, to facilitate predictive maintenance and avoid downtime.
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The commercialisation of battery energy storage systems
May 2024, Electrical Power & Protection

According to the ‘Electricity Market Report 2023’ published by the International Energy Agency), 98% of new power will be generated from renewable energy in the next three years. We need megawatt-level battery energy storage systems (BESS) with fast responses.
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Boosting cybersecurity in substation automation systems
April 2024, Electrical Power & Protection

A significant surge in distributed energy resources (DERs) and energy storage systems, along with the upward trend in unmanned substations, have made power grids a lot more complex. To address these instabilities in power grids, digital substations increasingly play an important role in power transmission.
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Safeguarding an energy storage system for renewable energy
March 2024, Electrical Power & Protection

Following the trend toward decarbonising the global economy, a grid-level energy storage system (ESS) builder is expanding its ESS capacity for renewable energy. Its mission is to provide a reliable and affordable ESS, as this is key for grid operators to be able to balance power demand and supply during peak and off-peak times.
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How to simplify traffic management in smart cities
February 2024, IT in Manufacturing

Online teaser: In an increasingly urbanised world, cities must find innovative solutions to overcome challenges such as traffic congestion, longer commutes and increased CO2 emissions. Adopting futureproof traffic management technologies is the key to addressing these issues effectively.
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Unleashing the future of mining
January 2024, IT in Manufacturing

With the demand for critical minerals for the clean energy transition surging, the World Bank predicts a 500% increase in their production by 2050. For the mining industry, this means unprecedented growth. But it also faces a plethora of internal and external challenges. In response to these constant changes, mining operations are proactively embracing digital transformation, leveraging technologies such as automation, unmanned systems and AI for image recognition to enhance operational efficiency and safety.
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Futureproofing networks
November 2023, IT in Manufacturing

The rise of smart manufacturing has seen a growing number of cyberthreats in the industrial sector as an unintended consequence of the convergence of IT and OT. While this achieves better efficiency and creates greater value, it also exposes traditionally isolated OT systems to all kinds of cyberattacks.
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A new era of power: large-scale battery energy storage systems
October 2023, Electrical Power & Protection

As the sun sets on coal power, we are seeing the rise of large-scale battery energy storage systems (BESS), together with a surge in renewable energy capacity. So what is the secret to ensuring a successful energy transition?
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Ensuring the uptime of your wireless network
October 2023, Industrial Wireless

Automated material handling (AMH) systems are expected to keep booming in the coming years, thanks to developing trends in e-commerce and smart factories.
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The commercialisation of energy storage
September 2023, Electrical Power & Protection

In the next three years, 98% of new power will be generated from renewable energy. Renewable energy like wind and solar can be unpredictable, so we need megawatt-level battery energy storage systems (BESS) with fast responses.
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