Secunda branch news

March 2007 SAIMC

Let us first get to the point of most concern. I do not think for one moment that this will ever be published and at this moment it is of small concern, but if it is it will focus on the real issues that I believe that the SAIMC stands for and those that we must promote a lot more.

If I look at the pages dedicated to the SAIMC in this magazine I see our support for golf and activities around golf. Multiple photos of golf sponsors and golf teams are published regularly and I do not say that it should not be. Please no! This is probably the best exposure that our so needed sponsors will get out of their support.

In line with our constitution the SAIMC stands firstly for education and the efforts that we put in towards educating our members and friends in the field of new technology in the instrument field. That is after all the reason why we hold regular technology evenings with presenters educating us in the various products with new methods of measuring.

The same exposure can be provided for our sponsors if we can show a full lecture/presentation room with them lecturing our members on some new product.

Over and above the technology evenings the SAIMC also provides support to students in our field of interest, but is never heard of. There are mainly two reasons for this: The first is that the persons writing these articles do not stress the importance of this subject strongly enough and the second is that the publishers of the articles do not know what the main line of business of the SAIMC really is.

I will therefore try again to provide some insight into what is really happening at the Secunda branch in relation to what we are supposed to do.

At our year end function three presentations were made. The first two were for students from the VUT Secunda campus that was awarded the Apollo award for the best control instrument students for 2005 and 2006 respectively. A further award was made to Janelle Children's Home for the work that they do for castaways and children waiting for placement to homes where they will find happiness.

The first award is sponsored by Apollo Instruments and they have done so for the past three years and again offered their support for the next five years. The second is some funds that we collect at our golf day from selling mulligan and gummies.

Now back to business. The Secunda branch had their AGM for 2007. The bad news is that this same old F*(^&*%! has been elected to trouble you for another year. The good news is though that there are several new faces that filled the gaps of some of our loyal committee members from the past who deserve a rest. I am sure that they are not lost from the institute and that they will still support our initiatives for 2007. What else will they do with their Thursday evenings in any case?

Already the first committee meeting was held and the eagerness of the new committee is unfounded. Planning was done for the rest of the year and will soon be published on our web pages.

Our online shop is now starting to pick up momentum and you will soon see some new items with the SAIMC logo displayed, also on the website. This has proved to be outstanding sought after prizes at our golf day. Prices are very competitive for such good quality products.

The team is also ready to start promoting the trade at school level to ensure candidates consider industrial control instruments as a career instead of some musical or medical instrument. This will take off as soon as the promotional DVD is received from council.

Our support for ECSA will also be in full force at their road show organised by the SAIME. The results and alliances will form part of our next contribution.

If you want to belong somewhere, contact the SAIMC Secunda Branch.

Piet van Rensburg


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