High-pressure processes for chemical injection systems, for example on oil drilling rigs or offshore platforms, are a challenge for any flow measurement system. Chemicals added by injection through a bore-pipe at high pressure directly at the wellhead increase water viscosity and enable efficient detachment of oil from the reservoir rock making its transport easier. In order to control the process, the injected chemicals must be measured accurately. Conventional volumetric systems such as gear or turbine flowmeters cannot be used for all media due to different liquid properties and big differences in density and viscosity, and do not provide the same results in terms of accuracy and reliability.
For these applications, Kobold Instrumentation, offers its reliable high pressure Coriolis flowmeters. The unique types of measuring loops, combined with special materials (different stainless steel versions, HP 160, Duplex) and heat treatment methods, allow users to work with operating pressures up to 1500 bar and extremely low flow rates from 1 kg/h.
Advanced weighing system
Mass Measurement
As global demand for lithium batteries rises, Minebea Intec is providing advanced weighing systems for BYD’s lithium carbonate project in Nanning, China.
Read more...Custom solutions for pressure measurement Instrotech
Sensors & Transducers
Wherever pressure sensors are needed, a solution can normally be found in the Keller product catalogue. However, there are often great benefits to optimising a product specifically for integration and use in complete existing systems.
Read more...Pressure sensors for hydrogen applications Instrotech
Pressure Measurement & Control
Keller manufactures isolated piezoresistive pressure sensors. The great advantage of the piezoresistive measuring principle is its high stability.
Read more...Wind turbines with smart sensors Instrotech
Motion Control & Drives
The wind’s usable kinetic energy increases with the wind speed. Wind turbines, therefore, use kinetic energy to generate torque and then rotational movement. The rotor, consisting of three rotor blades, ...
Read more...Infrared camera for condition monitoring and early fire detection Instrotech
Temperature Measurement
The Optris PI 640i thermal imager is the smallest measuring VGA infrared camera, with a body-sized volume of 45 x 56 x 90 mm, and weighing only 269 to 340 g, depending on the lens. It counts among the most compact thermal imaging cameras on the market.
Read more...Pressure monitoring for oil and water tempering machines Instrotech
Pressure Measurement & Control
Temperature plays a significant role in many manufacturing processes. In such cases, a tempering machine is used to maintain the manufacturing process at the desired temperature. Keller supplied PR-21Y piezoresistive pressure transmitters to a client specialising in developing and producing oil and water tempering machines.
Read more...Temperature monitoring in the metal casting process Instrotech
Temperature Measurement
During metal casting, the liquid material is poured into a mould, and after solidification becomes a solid body. Both too-high and too-low casting temperatures can lead to quality defects. The compact Optris PI 05M infrared thermal imaging camera from Instrotech can monitor the casting process.
Read more...Interference-resistant pressure transmitters Instrotech
Pressure Measurement & Control
Instrotech offers a pressure transmitter from Keller for temperature compensation and protection from electromagnetic fields (EMC) in the recently approved 21Y Series.
Read more...Cone penetration testing Instrotech
Pressure Measurement & Control
Everyone has walked along a wet beach at some time and noticed how the damp sand wobbles like jelly when stepped on several times. This may be fun on a beach, but it’s no joke at a construction site or in an earthquake. Houses and streets built on drained swampland or unconsolidated soil or sediment can sink in certain situations, after which they must be condemned for use.