Africa offers some interesting opportunities for oil and gas operators and investors. The continent is rich in unexplored reserves that have attracted the attention of local and international exploration and production (E&P) operators.
Despite the recent decline in oil prices, sustaining and restoring production from mature onshore fields has also become a growth opportunity. In 1990, 11 countries produced these resources. Today, there are 22, with at least 7 more to follow soon.
How should oil and gas companies operate in such an environment?
Operating in such an environment requires accurate, automated handling of fuel from source through to the end user, ensuring effective and efficient custody transfer between parties. Liquid Automation Systems (LAS) is one of the major suppliers of liquid metering equipment in the petrochemical industry in sub-Saharan Africa. LAS has been operating for more than 20 years during which time it has supplied and serviced the industry with leading brands, initiating and implementing automated systems and optimised measurement.
Bio-fuel blending legislation is being enforced in Africa and LAS has taken the lead in providing customised solutions. Incorporating Honeywell’s new Fusion range of batch, additive and blending controllers, LAS provides optimised fuel measurement systems in up and midstream applications, with advanced features for reliable, accurate and secure measurement.
LAS also offer Idex Corporation’s Liquid Controls, Sampi and Faure Herman ranges of equipment that includes:
• LC’s positive displacement meters suitable for the petrochemical, gas and chemical industries.
• Sampi’s TE550 Truck III controller for road tanker metering applications. The TE550 improves reliability and optimises security of fuel in transit.
• Faure Herman’s range of helical rotor turbine flowmeters. The proven accuracy and reliability make these a preferred choice for up and midstream custody transfer and master meters.
Downstream equipment provided by LAS includes fuel management systems as well as automatic tank gauging. The company has also developed a comprehensive in-house software package – Opti-MIM – which allows users to interface with field hardware in order to reconcile fuel usage with reporting to suit individual client requirements.
LAS is a specialist in systems certified for custody transfer and inventory control. The range of products also caters for clients requiring more cost-effective solutions, where accuracy is not as critical.
For more information contact Liquid Automation Systems, +27 (0)11 397 3780, [email protected],
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