
Tel: +27 11 315 4321
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more information about Intercal

InterCal extends solar panel testing capability
Technews Industry Guide: Maintenance, Reliability & Asset Optimisation 2018, Electrical Power & Protection

InterCal director Paul Haarhoff and sales manager Mike Devenish recently received training from Netherlands-based Chroma ATE on several of the Chroma systems.    Chroma ATE is a leading supplier of precision ...
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Expanded space leads to expanded accreditation
Technews Industry Guide: Maintenance, Reliability & Asset Optimisation 2017, News

In 2015, InterCal moved into its own premises in Midrand. The 600 square metre building was custom designed to suit the administration and technical requirements of the seven SANAS accredited ISO17025 ...
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Understanding the data and true value of a calibration certificate
Technews Industry Guide - Maintenance, Reliability & Asset Optimisation 2016, Maintenance, Test & Measurement, Calibration

This paper will guide those users of calibration certificates through the myriad of text, tables and terms to reveal the useful data and to uncover the true value of a calibration certificate.
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InterCal office opening
December 2015, News

InterCal clients and associates were invited to the opening of the brand new laboratories and offices at a function in Midrand at the end of September. InterCal staff members took guests on a tour of ...
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InterCal office opening
November 2015, News

InterCal clients and associates were invited to the opening of the brand new laboratories and offices at a function in Midrand at the end of September. InterCal staff members took guests on a tour of ...
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InterCal has moved
August 2015, News

As from 1 July, InterCal will be conducting business from its new more modern premises. The address is: 581 Lupton Drive Cnr Johnic Boulevard Halfway House Ext 12 Midrand GPS:26.003046S 28.133519E Tel: ...
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Calibration company celebrates 10 years of service
September 2002, News

InterCal will be celebrating 10 years of calibration services to industry later this year. The story began back in late 1992 when Les Wesson, Paul Haarhoff and Guy Snelling pooled their resources and ...
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