Designs Unique

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more information about Designs Unique

Humidification at eco-friendly cement plant
December 2005, News

Designs Unique, the Johannesburg-based company specialising in data acquisition projects, was recently commissioned to install a laboratory humidifying system at the Lafarge Bamburi Cement plant in Mombasa, ...
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Humidifying control system for eco-friendly cement plant
July 2005, System Integration & Control Systems Design

Designs Unique, a Johannesburg-based company specialising in data acquisition projects, was recently commissioned to install a laboratory humidifying system at the Lafarge Bamburi Cement plant in Mombasa, ...
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Locally manufactured temperature and humidity meter
July 2004, Temperature Measurement

New on the market from the Johannesburg-based company, Designs Unique, is the first South African-designed and produced precision temperature and humidity measuring device, the DTH-Sense-Aire. The device ...
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Local DAQ company commissioned for Zim cement contract
March 2004, Data Acquisition & Telemetry

Data acquisition specialists, Designs Unique of Johannesburg, has been commissioned to implement an advanced laboratory monitoring and control system for Circle Cement in Harare, Zimbabwe. This system ...
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Data acquisition software with added functionality
September 2002, Data Acquisition & Telemetry

A vision and measurement integrated software featuring drag-and-drop design programming, has been launched by Massachusetts-based Data Translation, and is now also available in South Africa. The DT Measure ...
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Modern 2 MW engine testing facility commissioned
May 2002, System Integration & Control Systems Design

Designs Unique of Johannesburg and NTB Technical Services of Cape Town recently commissioned a sophisticated and modern test centre at one of MTU's South African branches, in Isando. This test centre ...
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How to choose a PC data acquisition board
September 2001, Data Acquisition & Telemetry

The ability to make use of direct memory access or DMA is a major means of reducing software overhead in the DAQ process and enhancing system throughput
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Benefits of the PCI bus for data acquisition
September 2001, Industrial Computer Hardware

The PCI (peripheral component interconnect) bus is an integral part of today's Pentium class high-performance personal computer systems. Conceived and designed as a way to give peripheral components ...
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Meeting vital data acqusition needs for a mammoth tunnel-boring task
May 2000, Data Acquisition & Telemetry

Designs Unique, in conjunction with Thermotron of Wadeville, Germiston has recently commissioned a sophisticated data acquisition system for the Lesotho Highlands Water Project's "tunnel-boring machine". The ...
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Web server brings factory data to the browser
March 2000, SCADA/HMI

Intelligent Instrumentation announces the release of the iFactory Monitor, a new and unique way to monitor machines, equipment and processes on the factory floor. The software leverages standard Internet ...
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