Maintenance, Test & Measurement, Calibration

Helping to mix successful brew at Koenig

June 2002 Maintenance, Test & Measurement, Calibration

Krohne's BM100 is helping the smooth production of Koenig's beer at its Duisburg plant, one of the most modern breweries in Europe.

Koenig Brauerei, founded in 1858 and home of beers such as Koenig-Pilsener and Kelts NonAlcoholic Pils, employs 400 workers and has an annual output of some 2,3 m hectolitres. When Koenig was faced with some particularly difficult measurement tasks in its hops and malt silos, it contacted its Duisburg neighbour, Krohne, and asked it to come up with a solution. Krohne BM100 TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) level gauges succeeded where other measuring equipment had failed, and it has also successfully implemented radar level measuring instruments in a liquid CO2 vessel and also in an ethanol vessel. Ultrasonic flow instruments were installed in Koenig's cooling system, without disrupting any other process. Koenig Brauerei also uses Krohne flow control equipment on other applications, measurements being made on wastewater, beer, caustic concentrate and citric acid. Robert Englisch of Koenig Brauerei Technical Services said: "First it was the neighbourhood of the companies that brought Koenig and Krohne together, but now we know that both Krohne products and their support are of a really high level."

Gordon Duff, Krohne

011 315 2685

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