We are in a new century and the turbulence of a new age is re-writing all the rules of business.
Keywords: [China, connectivity, diagnostics, embedded intelligence, fieldbus, futurist, globalisation, India, industrial automation, industrial wireless, intelligence, keynote, knowledge, M2M, new age, predictive, productivity, security, self-monitoring, software, standards, strategic, technology, turbulence, wealth]
In his keynote presentation on day one of the Mining, Manufacturing & Process Conference 2008 Jim Pinto used his in-depth knowledge of the industrial automation market and his forward strategic thinking to help alert delegates to the rapid changes taking place globally.
All the rules of business are being re-written in the new age. There is nothing 'traditional' any more.
The fundamental purpose of automation is to improve productivity – to generate increased, higher-quality output with reduced costs. Those who can produce cheaper, faster, better – win!
Technology improves productivity. Hardware and software, products and systems, will continue on the technology treadmill, becoming smaller, cheaper, higher performance at a better price and more widely available. Advantage comes from knowledge that stays ahead of the game.
Knowledge is the new wealth and it moves easily and can be transferred anywhere.
Growth will come through new emerging technologies such as:
* Industrial wireless.
* Embedded intelligence and diagnostics.
* Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications.
* Software.
* Automation systems security.
Pintos’ presentation includes a review of the top-10 global automation companies and he alerts readers to look for new leaders to emerge in global industrial automation markets.
Jim Pinto
Pinto is an electronics engineer by background. He was born in Bangalore, India, sometime before World War II, and lived in England for about eight years before moving to the USA, land of opportunity, in 1968.
In 1972 Pinto moved to San Diego, where he founded Action Instruments, working as president and CEO from its inception. In March of 1998, Action was acquired by Eurotherm (UK), which was in turn acquired by Invensys in June 1998.
Pinto retired from Action Instruments after Eurotherm was acquired by Invensys, and since then he has been busy as an angel investor, speaker, writer, technology futurist, author (he has two popular books, published by ISA in 2003 and 2005), industry commentator and M&A consultant. His JimPinto.com eNews is widely read having a direct circulation of about 7000 and web-readership of two to three times that number.
Pinto has travelled widely throughout the world, and has significant experience in the comparative study of American, European and Japanese business cultures. He serves as an international consultant in strategic business planning, marketing, sales channel development, technology planning and acquisition strategy.
Role in MMP
I am here today as a catalyst, to trigger fresh thinking, to open your mind, to help by generating thoughts and ideas that can make a difference. I want to provide you with an automation futurist’s perspective regarding the growth and success of automation in the global arena to help inform your strategic thinking.
Oooold and new
We are in a New Century and the turbulence of a new age is rewriting all the rules of business. Leadership traditionally came from the advanced, developed countries, but there is nothing ‘traditional’ any more. Old dinosaurs are dying, as new leaders emerge and change is occurring faster than ever before, caused by globalisation and technology advances.
Knowledge is the key
Structural changes are taking place in the world. Old globalisation was based on cheap labour, but new globalisation is all about knowledge. Globalisation and free trade have caused massive disruptions in where and how the world’s goods are produced. The Achilles heel of capitalism is the sale or loss of the knowledge advantage driven by short-term profit motives.
Continued on the web
For the complete article visit www.instrumentation.co.za/+C9201
For more information contact Jim Pinto, [email protected], www.jimpinto.com
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