RF-Link automation module
I&C July 2024
Industrial Wireless
The DICIO is an RF-Link automation module enabling the remote control of a corresponding module. A transmission/receive topology, paired with a unique address, enables the transmission module to activate the output of the corresponding receiving module.
Supplied with a DIN rail base, it has an ergonomic layout, and can be quickly installed into an existing panel. Accessible connection points for power-in and signal enable ease of integration. Headers allow easy access to swop-out. The 255 bit address range ensures minimal chance of duplication, and the mode selection bank enables rapid setup.
It is used in the automation of power backup systems where a control signal is used to activate a generator. The wireless link is ideal for short-distance applications to reduce cabling requirements. The core of the system is the powerful 8-bit PIC microcontroller, which enables the advanced system features. The unit has an easily selectable address range and configuration, including error detection. The standard module is configurable as either Transmit or Receive. It supports frequency ranges of 315 and 433 MHz. Advanced setup features include a wide address range and onboard dip switch configuration.
The SCALAE-DICIO range of products is tailored to suit specific applications, while still maintaining the option for developer or customs code intervention.
Haventechnik offers comprehensive support for all products, including full documentation and knowledge base articles on best practice, with sample projects. A training curriculum relevant to current system design trends and requirements is available, and can either be offered onsite or via video conferencing.
For more information contact HavenTechnik, +27 078 537 2098, [email protected], www.haventechnik.com
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