Specialist condition monitoring company, WearCheck showcased its range of mining-related predictive maintenance techniques, products and services at the 2024 Investing in Africa Mining Indaba in Cape Town’s ICC from 5 to 8 February 2024. Technical manager, Steven Lumley, and a team of technical experts from WearCheck were on hand to demonstrate the company’s world-class technology-based solutions.
Moses Lelaka, technical water laboratory manager for WearCheck, prepares to process water samples for analysis.
“We relish the opportunity to introduce our unique condition monitoring services to potential new customers, and also to present our newest techniques to existing clients. We always enjoy catching up with our ‘family’ of players in the African mining arena with whom we have been interacting as a company for the past 47 years,” says Lumley.
WearCheck’s core service is the scientific analysis of used oil, fuel and other fluids. This entails analysing fluid samples for trace particles, which indicate which component is suffering unusual wear patterns. The test results are assessed by a team of specialised diagnosticians, who advise on a course of remedial action, if it is required.
Additional predictive maintenance techniques offered − which are selected based on the machinery and components being monitored − include asset reliability care services, transformer chemistry services, and advanced field services such as non-destructive testing, technical compliance, and rope condition assessment. The company also offers lubrication-enabled reliability, providing clients with bespoke solutions to ensure that their lubrication systems are well managed, efficient and cost effective.
WearCheck’s expansive service offering also includes water analysis through Set Point Laboratories, which analyses the quality of wastewater, groundwater and surface water in areas surrounding mining and exploration sites. Compliance with municipal bylaws and environmental safety standards allows for the safe disposal of wastewater into streams and rivers. Wearcheck’s water division caters to a variety of needs, for example, ensuring that effluent and wastewater are compliant and safe for disposal.
Reinstatement opportunity for ECSA registration
In 2023 the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) announced a special opportunity for engineers in South Africa to reinstate their registration status if it had been cancelled. This exclusive offer is available until the end of August 2024.
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