Spero Sensors & Instrumentation

Tel: +27 12 665 0317
Email: [email protected]
www: www.spero.co.za
more information about Spero Sensors & Instrumentation

Wise choices to decrease fire risk and improve safety
November 2018, IS & Ex

Fire safety at the workplace is a topic that is easily neglected and many businesses do not devote enough attention to it. The topic quickly becomes top of mind when people lose their lives, or when a building or substantial part of an industrial plant is destroyed by fire.
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Fire protection for unique risks
September 2018, IS & Ex

Risk analysis is the first phase in choosing the best fire prevention solution for a company. Sperosens offers complete fire prevention solutions, tailored to the specific requirements of each customer. ...
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Fibre optic temperature monitoring of switchgear
June 2018, Maintenance, Test & Measurement, Calibration

AP Sensing’s passive fibre optic cable provides accurate temperature measurements along the length of equipment such as a conveyor belt, or inside switchgear. The system enables cost-effective monitoring ...
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Fibre optic sensors for detecting hot rollers on conveyors
March 2018, Sensors & Transducers

The use of modern fibre optic sensors based on DTS (distributed temperature sensing) technology has established itself as a proven method for fire detection and temperature measurement.
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Fire detection and suppression in mines
June 2017, IS & Ex

Sperosens’ solutions for the South African mining industry include deep mine distributed telemetry systems, coupled with carefully chosen fire detection and suppression options catering to unique customer requirements.
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Verifi equipment monitoring
December 2016, IS & Ex

Using the Internet to verify fire risk exposure.
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Environmental monitoring in hazardous areas
July 2016, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

Do you need intrinsically safe monitoring in underground coal mines?
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Wireless multi-gas ­detection from Sperosens
November 2015, Industrial Wireless

Reduce the complications of gas detection with the Oldham range of wireless multi-gas ­solutions.
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Distributed temperature measurement over fibre ­optic cable
September 2015, Enclosures, Cabling & Connectors

Sperosens, in partnership with AP Sensing, recently launched its first fibre optic linear heat detection (LHD) system in South Africa.       Principle of operation Distributed temperature sensing (DTS) ...
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Fire extinguishing products from I-CAT
September 2015, News

I-CAT Environmental Solutions has appointed Sperosens as distributor of its range of water mist and foam fire extinguisher products and systems.
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Fire detection and ­protection systems from Sperosens
November 2014, Sensors & Transducers

Fire suppression and detection is the fastest growing product group in the Sperosens basket of products and systems. The company offers turnkey solutions through the design, manufacture, installation, ...
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BM25 portable wireless gas detector
Technews Industry Guide - Wireless 2014, Industrial Wireless

As wireless technology reaches new capabilities, so the integration of wireless gas detection systems in industrial applications is on the increase. In line with market demand, Sperosens has introduced ...
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